WE Help Make Things Better
People come to us because they want something better...
Whether it be a better house, a better retirement, for their kids to go to a better school, or when they are gone, for those kids to have an opportunity to live a better life than they did.
In many cases, they’re not even sure what better means themselves. And hey, I completely understand… but that’s ok, we will map that out together.
It is our role to help our friends move toward better. To be by their side as they move from one chapter in their life to the next, and to help them navigate the winding paths of life.
So, when someone asks me “what we do”.
It’s very simple…
We help make things better.
How We Help People
The wealth management and investment advisory industry is too often focused on the perfect portfolio asset allocation, the optimal tax avoidance plan, or the latest strategy to retire a few years earlier. When companies focus on the strategies instead of the people, they miss the most important part of any financial plan. At AFI we are committed to understanding our clients first and then matching that understanding with the best possible guidance we can give.
Visit Our Office
We are available Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call (423) 239-7535 to make an appointment or contact us.
200 Colonial Heights Rd.
Kingsport, TN 37663