Are You Aiming at The Right Target?

Aiming at the right target may seem like a no-brainer but identifying what your financial targets need to be, might be trickier than you think. Life is busy and full of unexpected twists and turns. It’s crucial to uncover what your long-term priorities look like in order to set up action steps to assure your success. In this week’s Making Money Manageable series, Peter gives an excellent elementary example of this very mature topic of financial goal setting. When we take our children to a restaurant, they love to use their crayons to trace through the winding maze that has a huge finish line (goal) at the end. Odds are, they will get stuck or turned around along the way. Feeling frustrated or defeated. What if we encouraged them to begin at the goal and work their way back toward the start line? This will help identify all the small goals along the winding path while making sure the correct steps are taken to get you there. At AFI, we believe the same is true for setting retirement goals. What is your end game? What do you want your lifestyle to look like in retirement? Will 80% of your current income keep you comfortable? Or will you need more money because you plan to travel and see the world? Identify your goals with a focused approach and work your way through life’s maze with confidence and excitement. We can help!


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