The Road Goes Ever On and On … down from the door where it began. - Tolkien


Welcome and Happy New Year! 

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to visit our new website. This new online home is where we hope to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones. We have grand plans for the content that will reside here and as we set out on this journey, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on how we arrived at this junction. 

Most of you reading this will know our story to some extent, but if you don’t please head over to the Our History page, where you will find more details on Don’s journey from the US Navy to Wall Street to Kingsport, TN, and his passing of the metaphorical torch. 

When Dad (Don) passed in 2019, we knew that it would be important to show our clients and friends what the future of our firm looked like. It was critical that we spend the time to make sure everyone knew that we had no plans of wandering off the path we had followed and guided our friends on since 1991. 

As with the best-laid plans of mice and men, things went awry. Along with the rest of the world, Covid-19 changed our plans of holding get-togethers, visiting over lunch, and gathering at the office to lay out our vision of the future. We will be forever grateful for everyone that walked beside us (virtually and in-person) over the last two years.

Now it is time to finally reveal what we have been working on in the background. Aldebaran Financial, Inc. is now being rebranded as AFI – Aldebaran Financial Insights. The core role of our firm is to try to make things better for our clients. One way to make things better is to make things easier. We hope that you will find AFI significantly easier to say and to share with your friends. We have often joked about our name and that while unique and memorable it was not the most user friendly. We have thrown away more envelopes addressed to Mr. Al Debaran than you can imagine. 

As with any new chapter, this is also a new beginning, and we are excited to get started. Please have a look around the site, check out our new pictures (we hope we look as good as we did before the pandemic in your mind), and send us any thoughts you have.


AFI is partnering with Daytime Tri-Cities to help “Make Money Manageable”